Step 1. Finding not grey areas of the background
Convert photo from Raw using Raw Converter
Duplicate layer
Create New fill ore adjusted layer/Curves:
Than drag the graph from the left lower corner to the right lower corner:
Now we can see that our “white” is not really white. So next steps will explain how to make 255-255-255 white background but leave nice realistic shadow under the object.
Step 2. Clean grey background
Using Dodge Tool (from your left tools palette) clean the background. My parameters for the brush is on this picture:
I am start from big soft brush to clean bigger areas, adjusting brush size as per need and adding more hardness when I clean the edge of the object. I do not remove shadows under the boot. If you like the shadow to be a little bit lighter just change Dodge Brush Range from Highlights to Midtones and slightly brush that area.
Step 3. Retouching and Cleaning
Open the image full size (100%) and using Clone Stamp tool and Healing Brush tool correct all imperfections and motes.
And now we have a nice clean product photo with real white background and realistic shadow.
Now we are ready to Flatten image (Layer/Flatten Image), crop, re-size, add sharpness, save JPEG for web or TIFF for print.