MBA Admission in Prannath Parnami Institute for Professional Studies- PPIPS
Newspaper ads a strong part of Printing Advertisement,to direct connected with the people and Present my college information to people and give the attraction for admission. Today the Indian youth reading news paper for not only just a information booklet its a big part to improve your English and new words knowledge gain Day by day.
Youth day by day learn,improve his English and vocabulary to reading news paper and improve the general knowledge. The highly technologically focused era, print ads still have their place as effective tools to generate buzz surrounding a product or service, and even generate sales. In many cases, when a member of the community wants to find out about upcoming local entertainment events, he looks to the local newspaper because of its locally limited circulation, making it a great place to advertise a for-profit event. Print ads are also particularly effective when advertising for vacant positions in labor and skilled trades because virtually anyone can afford a newspaper, even the unemployed, whereas computers and therefore digital ads require a certain level of affluence to even access.
We present a printing ad for MBA-2014 study tour in Europe.
1. Give the proper space for logo and name of college with
2. Give the best space for content what you say in short to attract the people and write MBA study trio in Europe with the No.4 Abroad university. one side pic for student activity and one side Potential Recruiters with logo.
3. Use colors well: avoid mixing too many. Dark Blue and yellow text and white are great colors for stand-out ads. Ads, too, can follow color palettes — though they may be be brighter than those of the newspaper as a whole.
4. Don’t mix fonts: Use the simple and bold font size. with the contrast of color combination to make a attract for news paper low printing give the bright ad.
5. Give the proper space for contact no. with Red color to give the attention for viewer to see easy.
6. Find out where the ad will appear within the context of the newspaper. Try not to create an “advertising ghetto” of dozens of equally sized ads all thrown together.
Art work done by Atul kumar