We present a new leaflet design for admission. www.pgs.edu.in
You might have seen many school students carrying heavy
school bags and slouching under their weight; not only the physical weight but
under the weight of the heavy syllabus that just keeps piling on. We want to change that.
At PGS we do not talk about "What to think",
insted teach the child " How to think". Every subject is in itself an
institution, led by an experienced teacher who has a good command over subject.
There is a seprate workstation alloted for each subject and the workstation are
well equipped to address the students needs and requirments. For their
convenience, we have provided lockers for the students as well.
The aim is not to fill their minds with vast syllabi, but
to amuse their minds with the wonders of education. In this way, studies are
seldom burdensome; rather they instill curiosity and develop a thrist for
knowledge. The teacher encourage the students to ask questions, learn through
analytical interpretation and practical implication. It might sound complicated
but the students in their formative years are actually capable of it.
All they needis the right direction.
Therefore, every student who seeks to learn and find
answers for their questions can reach out to the particular workstation, and
find oneself under the able guidance of the teacher.